How can I cancel automatic payments?

With a 1-month plan

Jemila avatar
Written by Jemila
Updated over a week ago

You can always cancel automatic scans by clicking "View Plan" and then "Cancel automatic renewal" on the settings page of your student account.

By clicking the button, you will see the updated status: disabled.

This status means that no further payments will be made. 👌

If you can't cancel, it's likely that you have a term plan. In this case, you can suspend your membership by contacting our customer service.

Please note: If you have an open-ended 1-month plan and cancel your automatic payments, your plan will be suspended the following month, but if you have a 3-, 9- or 18-month plan, cancelling your automatic payments will only stop your membership when your plan expires - after 3, 9 or 18 months.

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