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How can I cancel automatic payments?

With a 1-month plan

Ugnė avatar
Written by Ugnė
Updated over 8 months ago

You can always cancel automatic renewals by clicking "Plan Overview" and then "Cancel auto-renewal" in the Settings of your account.

By clicking the button, you will see the updated status: disabled.

This status means that no further payments will be made. 👌

If you can't cancel, it's likely that you have a commitment plan. In this case, you can suspend your membership by contacting our Customer Support Team only on email at [email protected] or on WhatsApp: +27635324815

Please note: If you have an open-ended 1-month plan and cancel your automatic payments, your plan will be suspended the following month, but if you have a 9 month or a 3 month plan, cancelling your automatic payments will only stop your membership when your plan expires - after 9 or 3 months.

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